Redesign of Hydraulic Pumping Unit (HPU) with API RP 11L Methods to Increase Production at the Well ALJ-099 YLJ Field (Abstract)

Redesign of Hydraulic Pumping Unit (HPU) with API RP 11L Methods to Increase Production at the Well ALJ-099 YLJ Field
Eka Almas Yuslim
Petroleum Engineering
College Of Technology Oil and Gas Balikpapan

The method of production is divided into two: natural flow and artificial lift. Along with the time of production, the reservoir pressure drops and this has resulted in reduced levels of the production wells. Then to overcome this problem can be done by means of artificial lift. One of these artificial methods is Hydraulic Pumping Unit (HPU).
The basic concept in HPU's own evaluation is to determine displacement pump that is adjusted to capabilities of production wells, which pump displacement depends on parameters of the stroke length (SL) and the pumping speed (SPM). If the pump displacement is much higher than the production capabilities of a well, there will be damage to equipment faster. The method used for evaluating HPU is API RP 11L .
ALJ-099 wells are oil wells that are in the field YLJ. Based on the analysis of the Vogel IPR curve obtained maximum production rate (Qmax) of 236 bfpd, evaluation of results obtained optimal rate (Q 80%) was 188.93 bfpd with speed pump 4 spm and stroke length pumping 107 inches, and  75% pump efficiency.

Keywords : Stroke Length, Pump Displacement, Stroke Per-Minute


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